
Showing posts from September, 2012

The Aquarian Doxology

I Affirm my Onenes with All that Is, Life Eternal, Sublime, and Triumphant I Am that Life Now and Forever I Am These words are proclaimed on Sunday mornings at Builders of the Adytum in the 90042, and surely other places. Somehow, in spite of this, it is very difficult to find on the internet. So, I am posting this blog entry. If you would like to hear how these words are sung/proclaimed/entoned/chanted, click HERE to hear it, as recorded by Joseph Nolen in 1975, who had originally put the Aquarian Doxology to music for Ann Davies in 1960 in Hawaii. YaHoWah!

Wisdom for the Sages

"...if he does not think he has become a sage, then this will be a good state. But, if he considers himself a sage, then he will be vulnerable to the demons' influence..." from Volume 8 of "The Sūtra on the Śūraṅgama Mantra Spoken from above the Crown of the Great Buddha's Head, and on the Hidden Basis of the Tathagata's Myriad Bodhisattva Practices Leading to Their Verification of the Ultimate Truth" (or "Shurangama Sutra" for short) YaHoWah!

"Is It Serious?" by Alan Watts

The most profound metaphysical questions are expressed in the most common phrases of everyday life. Who do you think you are? Who started this? Are we going to make it? Where are we going to put it? Who's going to clean up? Where the hell d'you think you're going? Where do I come in? What's the time? Where am I? What's up? Which is which? Who's who? Do you mean it? Where do we get off? Are you there? But there seems to be one that must be asked right at the beginning. Is it serious? The most remarkable superficial difference between Christianity and Hinduism is that the former replies "Yes" and the latter "No." The King of kings and the Lord of lords very definitely expects to be taken seriously. Thunders and lightnings proceed from his throne, and, quite aside from any of the very serious demands that are made for moral behavior between man and man, the Ruler of Heaven requires above all that he be worshiped, and his faithful congregation r...

Gwydion's Coffeehouse Weblog - The Blog: Saturn 2: Aquarius

Gwydion's Coffeehouse Weblog - The Blog: Saturn 2: Aquarius : Saturn above the horizon Saturn Day Shabbat-Tie a Yom very Tov Aquarius "The New Age" "Eden Restored" "The Adam (who's a chick and) Who R...

The Great Seal of the United States, by Paul Foster Case

This is a must-read, I think. Just in general. Which is interesting, because it's nearly impossible to find. So here it is, just click the picture of the book at the beginning of this post, and it's yours on PDF. If you'd like to hold it in your hand, and you have $5 to spare, by all means: click here to order a copy from Builders of the Adytum. As I read this booklet, I can hear various points of view, as well as the various forms of ignorance and bias, in the echo-voices (from memory) of all those I've known enough to grok their points of view. So, I'll disclaim a little bit here and say I am not saying "read this book, 'cause I believe every word, and you should to!". What I am saying, to whoever the Being is who's eyes survey these words, is that I find it interesting to see Paul's point of view on it all, which includes his ignorances and biases. So, if you can stomach reading this, I guess is what I'm saying, it is essential t...

The Pymander in English

THE DIVINE PYMANDER of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus IN XVII. BOOKS. Translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English; by Doctor [John] Everard. London: Printed by Robert White, for Tho. Brewster, and Greg. Moule, [1650] PREFACE JUDICIOUS READER, This Book may justly challenge the first place for antiquity, from all the Books in the World, being written some hundreds of years before Moses his time, as I shall endeavour to make good. The Original (as far as is known to us) is Arabic, and several Translations thereof have been published, as Greek, Latin, French, Dutch, etc., but never English before. It is pity the Learned Translator [Dr. Everard] had not lived, and received himself, the honour, and thanks due to him from the Englishmen for his good will to, and pains for them, in translating a Book of such infinite worth, out of the Original, into their Mother-tongue. Concerning the Author of the Book itself, ...