A monk named Joe (plagiarized/adapted from Suryanangama Sutra, Yeshe Tsogyal , and Dogen ) So there I was, a monk named Joe. I was sitting in Lotus Position on my zafu , gazing at the wall. I had been for some time. One day, while meditating, I found myself in total darkness. Then, I experienced it as an open expanse, and the darkness was gone, the whole thing turned to light. I used my mind to intently investigate that light, and the light pervaded my body... My mind became clear, unveiled, bright, and penetrating, an internal light shone forth and turned everything into gold. All the various species of beings were transformed. I saw Vairochana Buddha seated upon a platform of celestial light, he was surrounded by a thousand Buddhas , who simultaneously appeared upon lotus blossoms in a hundred million lands. I reached a state where I could see the earth, the mo...
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