I am a yogi...

“I am a yogi beyond word, thought, and description, Who journeys on the plain of the view free from extremes. When I journey on the plain of this view, I journey while regarding appearance and existence as dharmakaya. I am a yogi of luminous appearance and emptiness, Who journeys on the plain of the meditation of empty bliss. When I journey on the plain of this meditation, I journey beyond meditation and postmeditation. I am a yogi of self-liberated perception, Who journeys on the plain of spontaneous conduct. When I journey on the plain of this conduct, I journey in equal taste, without accepting or rejecting. I am a yogi of self-existing non-fabrication, Who journeys on the plain of spontaneously accomplished fruition. When I journey on the plain of this fruition, I journey free from hope and fear. I am a yogi beyond word, thought, and description, Who journeys over the pass of the view free from extremes. When I journey over the pass of this view, I journey be...