I am a yogi...

“I am a yogi beyond word, thought, and description,
Who journeys on the plain of the view free from extremes.
When I journey on the plain of this view,
I journey while regarding appearance and existence as dharmakaya.

I am a yogi of luminous appearance and emptiness,
Who journeys on the plain of the meditation of empty bliss.
When I journey on the plain of this meditation,
I journey beyond meditation and postmeditation.

I am a yogi of self-liberated perception,
Who journeys on the plain of spontaneous conduct.
When I journey on the plain of this conduct,
I journey in equal taste, without accepting or rejecting.

I am a yogi of self-existing non-fabrication,
Who journeys on the plain of spontaneously accomplished fruition.
When I journey on the plain of this fruition,
I journey free from hope and fear.

I am a yogi beyond word, thought, and description,
Who journeys over the pass of the view free from extremes.
When I journey over the pass of this view,
I journey beyond meditation throughout day and night.

I am a yogi of luminous appearance and emptiness,
Who journeys over the pass of meditation of empty bliss.
When I journey over the pass of this meditation,
I journey free from dullness and agitation.

I am a yogi of self-liberated perception,
Who journeys over the pass of spontaneous conduct.
When I journey over the pass of this conduct,
I journey while sowing the seeds of omniscience.

I am a yogi of self-existing nonfabrication,
Who journeys over the pass of spontaneously accomplished fruition.
When I journey over the pass of this fruition,
I am the Buddha of perfected realization.

I am a yogi beyond word, thought, and description,
Who journeys down the slope of the view free from extremes.
When I journey down the slope of this view,
I dwell in the state of nonarising dharmata.

I am a yogi of luminous appearance and emptiness,
Who journeys down the slope of the meditation of empty bliss.
When I journey down the slope of this meditation,
I dwell in the state of undistracted nonmeditation.

I am a yogi of self-liberated perception,
Who journeys down the slope of spontaneous conduct,
When I journey down the slope of this conduct,
I act according to the words of the sugatas.

I am a yogi of self-existing nonfabrication,
Who journeys down the slope of spontaneously accomplished fruition,
When I journey down the slope of this fruition,
I am the buddha whose stream-of-being is purified.

I am a yogi beyond word, thought, and description,
Who journeys to the place of the view free from extremes.
When I journey to the place of this view,
Samsara and nirvana are of the same nature.

I am a yogi of luminous appearance and emptiness,
Who journeys to the place of the meditation of emptiness bliss.
When I take the journey to the place of this meditation,
The nature of thought is wisdom.

I am a yogi of self-liberated perception,
Who journeys to the place of spontaneous conduct.
When I journey to the place of this conduct,
Appearance and existence have the nature of a mandala.

I am a yogi of self-existing non-fabrication,
Who journeys to the place of spontaneously accomplished fruition.
When I journey to the place of this fruition,
Everything is the nature of buddhahood…

Once you realize the intent of this song,
Samsara is nothing to be rejected,
And nirvana is nothing to be accomplished.”
- Padmasambhava

(as recorded by Yeshe Tsogyal)


All for now,
Much love,



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