Allow me to say, to any Aquarians which may be reading this, that I am humbled. I do not consider myself Pymander, but I consider that name to be a personalized guiding Light. About the word, Miriam Webster says nothing, no definition, it is an obsolete form of another word. I like that. Obviously, there is the Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus. By an interesting coincidence, the Golden Dawn Sanctuary I've hosted for the past 14 years, is currently called "Hermes Trismegistus"... Hermes Trismegistus ...though I've never actually sat down and thoroughly studied the documents contained in the Pymander, I must admit. I'll take the name, also, as a sign that I should do so. Perhaps in later years I will write something that might be useful to others, as well. I don't know. For now, I'll say that if there is anyone feeling that I should not have been given this name, and that I am not "really" a thus-n-such, then to you I say please forgi...