Showing posts from August, 2012
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Thursday, July 26, 2012 meyou-brainuniverse local ripplings of the vast (sometimes scaley) everchanging one, I am I see, am sort of experimenting or art projecting or viewing point touristlight telescoping noblously thunderousing hand opens window, then the nail holds the window open the everpassing present in the place from the past (generating presentfuture, futurepresent into past) ah the scent of indigenous tryptamine rainbow consciousnessing coolmorning summerthursday
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"Stupid people who do not listen to the Buddha’s Dharma think: 'I am a senior bhiku, I cannot prostrate myself to a junior who has got the Dharma.' 'I have endured long training, I cannot prostrate myself to a recent student who has got the Dharma.' 'I sign my name with the title of master, I cannot prostrate myself to someone who does not have the title of master.' 'I am an Administrator of Dharma Affairs, I cannot prostrate myself to lesser monks who have got the Dharma.' 'I am the Chief Administrator of Monks, I cannot prostrate myself to laymen and laywomen who have got the Dharma.' 'I am a bodhisattva of the three clever stages and ten sacred stages, I cannot prostrate myself to bhikuīs and other women, even if they have got the Dharma.' 'I am of royal pedigree, I cannot prostrate myself to the family of a retainer or to the lineage of a minister, even if they have got the Dharma.' Stupid people like these have heedlessl...
Letting Them Remember
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"We've found out one thing about the stuck ones: We've just plain come out and told them countless times before, and they've got it, or thought they had, and maybe even got enough of it to do things they thought miraculous -- against those who didn't get it, or got some aspect of it other than the one or ones got by the first group, or put significance on what they got that was really the same and called it different, and convinced themselves of the difference. So it just doesn't work very well to come out and tell them. It really works better to let them remember. Letting them remember does three things you and I would appreciate, were we in their shoes: First, they get to create their experience of remembering, and feel no need to kow-tow to us and/or burn us at some stake, or take sides about it and do both. (Let's face it, we've done that before: It's boring.) Second, they get to be responsible for what they've created, instead of letting so...
The Silver Box
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"When we brag about it and "try" to cherish it by hanging onto it and putting it in a silver box, saying "This is it," we get to uncreate it and play "the way we were" and/or "that was it and nothing else can ever match up." When we are willing to throw away the silver box and share, we realize how real it is, and let it change. When we share without the silver box, we can create and uncreate whatever we had once placed or would have otherwise put in the silver box; we can create and uncreate what we're sharing. This way, even perfection does not run us. Another name for the silver box is the casket. You and I remember this well, don't we?" " Transformations " John Dan Reib, 1976 YaHoWah!
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I've been reading 正法眼蔵 (Shobogenzo), but set it down for a minute and started the Pymander last night.. the judicious reader intro.. the first book was very interesting. Wordscrambling mental processes to dereconcile with the echovoices of y'all in my head, what usually gets em to quiet down is this: without needing some permanent vote of yesno, allow yourself to consider for a moment that this is true: xyz. Okay now it might be bullshit, and let go.. then its stored in memory as a more useful data than if the coffeehouse culturebiases "professored" it out of meaning and into, one might say, putting all of the pre-existing golden-steriotype-calves out where I experience them as foreground and whatever I'm reading as background, no - so, yeah, it was good, and I agreed with it 100% at the time, once I found the author's voice and tone of voice, context, and the translator's limitation, as one might agree with a map of the streets they're navigating ...
DNA-Alphabet Memorization Tool/Game
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Here is one of my contributions to the collective memory of humanity. To get started, you'll need a 4-sided die and an index card. Simply copy the information on the above index card onto your index card. Just roll a 4-sided die three times, and each time you roll, say aloud the name of the Nucleic Acid. If you roll a "1", say "Adanine". If you roll a "2", say "Uracil". If you roll a "3", say "Guanine". If you roll a "4", say "Cytosine". After you have rolled it three times, find the particular permutation (the Nucleic Acid sequence which you spoke aloud) on the index card. Say the letter and the Amino Acid aloud, or say the name of the Aminio Acid aloud, while writing the Amino Acid's corresponding letter on a fresh piece of paper. Do this at least a few times per day until you no longer need the index card. Here are some other things you can try: rather than rolling one 4-sided die three ...
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Allow me to say, to any Aquarians which may be reading this, that I am humbled. I do not consider myself Pymander, but I consider that name to be a personalized guiding Light. About the word, Miriam Webster says nothing, no definition, it is an obsolete form of another word. I like that. Obviously, there is the Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus. By an interesting coincidence, the Golden Dawn Sanctuary I've hosted for the past 14 years, is currently called "Hermes Trismegistus"... Hermes Trismegistus ...though I've never actually sat down and thoroughly studied the documents contained in the Pymander, I must admit. I'll take the name, also, as a sign that I should do so. Perhaps in later years I will write something that might be useful to others, as well. I don't know. For now, I'll say that if there is anyone feeling that I should not have been given this name, and that I am not "really" a thus-n-such, then to you I say please forgi...