"Stupid people who do not listen to the Buddha’s Dharma think:

'I am a senior bhiku, I cannot prostrate myself to a junior who has got the Dharma.'

'I have endured long training, I cannot prostrate myself to a recent student who has got the Dharma.'

'I sign my name with the title of master, I cannot prostrate myself to someone who does not have the title of master.'

'I am an Administrator of Dharma Affairs, I cannot prostrate myself to lesser monks who have got the Dharma.'

'I am the Chief Administrator of Monks, I cannot prostrate myself to laymen and laywomen who have got the Dharma.'

'I am a bodhisattva of the three clever stages and ten sacred stages, I cannot prostrate myself to bhikuīs and other women, even if they have got the Dharma.'

'I am of royal pedigree, I cannot prostrate myself to the family of a retainer or to the lineage of a minister, even if they have got the Dharma.'

Stupid people like these have heedlessly fled their father’s kingdom and are wandering on the roads of foreign lands; therefore, they neither see nor hear the Buddha’s truth."

- Shobogonzo Raihai-tokuzui
Master Dogen
1240 AD


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